My little "Son-Shine"
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Day 7: Favorite Book
Reading has always been one of my favorite "me time" things to do. Prior to having children, most of my free time was spent on reading. I must confess, having 3 children 8 & under has really limited my "me time". Come to think of it, I'm not exactly sure what "me time" is anymore!! lol
A few months ago, one of my blogging buddies (Laurie, Days with Dylan & Cassidy), wrote a post about a book she had discovered while at the library with her 2 little loves. I remember reading that post thinking that the book sounded so familiar. It did sound familiar, because I was told about this particular book from a couple of friends. Hearing about "The Happiness Project", AGAIN, made me click on Laurie's link to see what all the hype was about.
Like many others, I am very HAPPY with my life. I have a wonderful husband, 3 AMAZING little boys, a great job and the most loving & supportive family & friends. But LIFE happens.....and it consumes us....and we are left wondering....WHERE.DID.THE.TIME.GO??!!
I have officially fallen into the "mommy rut". Spreading myself thin, making sure that everyone else's needs are being met.......all the while neglecting my very own "me time"!! I am tired, the laundry is backed up, and YES, there is dust on the furniture!! Then, there are the projects IN the house that need to be done & finished......and let's not forget about the projects OUTSIDE too!! T-H-E-R-E......I said it!!!! Remember the balance I spoke about in (Day 0)?? Let's just say....I still haven't found my groove, yet....but I'm ROCKIN'!!
Saying (typing) this out loud, really has me questioning my "TRUE HAPPINESS"! Am I really happy that so many things are left undone & unfinished? Am I really happy that some nights, reading a book before bed to the kids(that just happens to be on that signed contract that I wrote about in Day 2) gets skipped because I am too tired? Am I really happy that I can't seem to discipline myself to stick to a diet/exercise routine? NO.....I am not all!!
So, here I am, slowly trying to fit some "me time" into my chaotic life. Reading.....again!! It's a start, right?! I was going to give you my very own detailed review of this book, but no 2 "projects" will be the same. Instead I will leave you with the description that I read......that inspired me to start my own Happiness Project.
A few months ago, one of my blogging buddies (Laurie, Days with Dylan & Cassidy), wrote a post about a book she had discovered while at the library with her 2 little loves. I remember reading that post thinking that the book sounded so familiar. It did sound familiar, because I was told about this particular book from a couple of friends. Hearing about "The Happiness Project", AGAIN, made me click on Laurie's link to see what all the hype was about.
Like many others, I am very HAPPY with my life. I have a wonderful husband, 3 AMAZING little boys, a great job and the most loving & supportive family & friends. But LIFE happens.....and it consumes us....and we are left wondering....WHERE.DID.THE.TIME.GO??!!
I have officially fallen into the "mommy rut". Spreading myself thin, making sure that everyone else's needs are being met.......all the while neglecting my very own "me time"!! I am tired, the laundry is backed up, and YES, there is dust on the furniture!! Then, there are the projects IN the house that need to be done & finished......and let's not forget about the projects OUTSIDE too!! T-H-E-R-E......I said it!!!! Remember the balance I spoke about in (Day 0)?? Let's just say....I still haven't found my groove, yet....but I'm ROCKIN'!!
Saying (typing) this out loud, really has me questioning my "TRUE HAPPINESS"! Am I really happy that so many things are left undone & unfinished? Am I really happy that some nights, reading a book before bed to the kids(that just happens to be on that signed contract that I wrote about in Day 2) gets skipped because I am too tired? Am I really happy that I can't seem to discipline myself to stick to a diet/exercise routine? NO.....I am not all!!
So, here I am, slowly trying to fit some "me time" into my chaotic life. Reading.....again!! It's a start, right?! I was going to give you my very own detailed review of this book, but no 2 "projects" will be the same. Instead I will leave you with the description that I read......that inspired me to start my own Happiness Project.
Book Description
Gretchen Rubin had an epiphany one rainy afternoon in the unlikeliest of places: a city bus. "The days are long, but the years are short," she realized. "Time is passing, and I'm not focusing enough on the things that really matter." In that moment, she decided to dedicate a year to her happiness project.
In this lively and compelling account of that year, Rubin carves out her place alongside the authors of bestselling memoirs such as Julie and Julia, The Year of Living Biblically, and Eat, Pray, Love. With humor and insight, she chronicles her adventures during the twelve months she spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific research, and lessons from popular culture about how to be happier.
Rubin didn't have the option to uproot herself, nor did she really want to; instead she focused on improving her life as it was. Each month she tackled a new set of resolutions: give proofs of love, ask for help, find more fun, keep a gratitude notebook, forget about results. She immersed herself in principles set forth by all manner of experts, from Epicurus to Thoreau to Oprah to Martin Seligman to the Dalai Lama to see what worked for her—and what didn't.
Her conclusions are sometimes surprising—she finds that money can buy happiness, when spent wisely; that novelty and challenge are powerful sources of happiness; that "treating" yourself can make you feel worse; that venting bad feelings doesn't relieve them; that the very smallest of changes can make the biggest difference—and they range from the practical to the profound.
Written with charm and wit, The Happiness Project is illuminating yet entertaining, thought-provoking yet compulsively readable. Gretchen Rubin's passion for her subject jumps off the page, and reading just a few chapters of this book will inspire you to start your own happiness project.
Click on the badge below to start your Happiness Project today!!

Click on the badge below to start your Happiness Project today!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011
Day 6: A Random Picture that makes you Happy
I absolutely LOVE this picture!! Scott & I surprised Mason & Elijah by taking them to the WWE Summer Tour @ the Cape Cod Melody Tent last August to end our summer off with a bang. The boys are HUGE wrestling fans! On the way home, the boys kept saying that they cannot wait until Landon is old enough to go to a wrestling event with us. They were so excited to tell Landon about their adventure. And in true brotherly fashion......Mason & Elijah dressed Landon up in his very own John Cena wrestling gear!! I just LOVE how Mason & Elijah INCLUDE Landon in EVERYTHING!! Nothing makes me happier than to see my boys bonding and making brotherly memories!!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Day 5: A Song that Means A lot to You
(you can turn the music off at the bottom of the page)
To this day, every time I hear this song, I can't help but think of Landon and his future. Before Landon turned a year old, I did a post with a video of Landon during the first 6 months of his therapy sessions. If you missed it, you can see it HERE!! This is the song that I chose to play during that video.....the words fit perfectly. Watching Landon during his therapy sessions those first 6 months, was extremely HARD for me (AND LANDON). After having 2 "typical" children, I struggled watching Landon work SO HARD, to do the smallest of things. I remember thinking how unfair it was, that my newborn baby had to push his tiny little body to the point of total fatigue & frustration, just to reach & grasp for a toy. My heart felt so heavy for him (and still does at times). You see, it doesn't end here.....Landon is going to face challenges (MOUNTAINS) his whole life. He is going to do all the things that his friends do, but it is going to take him a little more time with a lot more effort.
Landon tackles each hour long therapy session with such WILL & DETERMINATION! He smiles, he laughs......and he cries a lot too!! Yes, he WILL reach his milestone's....and we will be right by his side celebrating each & every one of them! Each & every achievement is that much sweeter when you know just how much work & effort was put into it. You see, it's not about "what's waiting on the other side"........"it's the CLIMB"!!!
And I apologize for not picking "A Song"....there just happens to be 2 that are near & dear to my heart.
If you visit my blog often, you hear this song as soon as my blog opens, it's the first song on my playlist! And this one is simple.....the lyrics could not be any clearer on "MY WISH" (by Rascal Flatts)......this IS MY WISH for all 3 of my boys!! If this song is playing, you will probably see me smiling & crying at the same time : )
To this day, every time I hear this song, I can't help but think of Landon and his future. Before Landon turned a year old, I did a post with a video of Landon during the first 6 months of his therapy sessions. If you missed it, you can see it HERE!! This is the song that I chose to play during that video.....the words fit perfectly. Watching Landon during his therapy sessions those first 6 months, was extremely HARD for me (AND LANDON). After having 2 "typical" children, I struggled watching Landon work SO HARD, to do the smallest of things. I remember thinking how unfair it was, that my newborn baby had to push his tiny little body to the point of total fatigue & frustration, just to reach & grasp for a toy. My heart felt so heavy for him (and still does at times). You see, it doesn't end here.....Landon is going to face challenges (MOUNTAINS) his whole life. He is going to do all the things that his friends do, but it is going to take him a little more time with a lot more effort.
Landon tackles each hour long therapy session with such WILL & DETERMINATION! He smiles, he laughs......and he cries a lot too!! Yes, he WILL reach his milestone's....and we will be right by his side celebrating each & every one of them! Each & every achievement is that much sweeter when you know just how much work & effort was put into it. You see, it's not about "what's waiting on the other side"........"it's the CLIMB"!!!
And I apologize for not picking "A Song"....there just happens to be 2 that are near & dear to my heart.
If you visit my blog often, you hear this song as soon as my blog opens, it's the first song on my playlist! And this one is simple.....the lyrics could not be any clearer on "MY WISH" (by Rascal Flatts)......this IS MY WISH for all 3 of my boys!! If this song is playing, you will probably see me smiling & crying at the same time : )
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Day 4: A Weird Hobby or Collection
I knew that I would eventually get stumped on one of these posts.....I just didn't expect that it would be so soon. So here is my see....I am not the type of person who likes to collect or save things. You know the saying, "less is more".....well I'm a believer. If you were to ask Scott(the saver of EVERYTHING), he would say that I am a "throw-a way-er"......I beg to differ.....I like to think of myself as a DONATOR!!!! I am forever packing up my truck with "things" and donating them to those in need. If it's in my house, and it is not being used....IT.HAS.TO.GO!!!! I'm not a knick-knack kinda girl!! lol So this post is definitely a challenge!!
However, I do love to read books....and I have many of them......but I wouldn't quite say that I have a book collection. So, I guess the closest I do get to "collecting" would probably be the boys art work. Even if it is a piece of paper with a scribble on it. You would be amazed at what you can see through those scribbles. Each art project is like a masterpiece. You can't get rid of the first, well, because it's the first. It sort of just snowballs after that.....theexcuses reasons for keeping them are endless!! I have an art box for each of the boys that is stored away with their memory boxes. Unfortunately, I do not have a picture to show : (
But I will end this post with a picture......the inspiration behind this see, 2 days ago something significant happened.........I typed my 100th post!!!! YAY!!
However, I do love to read books....and I have many of them......but I wouldn't quite say that I have a book collection. So, I guess the closest I do get to "collecting" would probably be the boys art work. Even if it is a piece of paper with a scribble on it. You would be amazed at what you can see through those scribbles. Each art project is like a masterpiece. You can't get rid of the first, well, because it's the first. It sort of just snowballs after that.....the
But I will end this post with a picture......the inspiration behind this see, 2 days ago something significant happened.........I typed my 100th post!!!! YAY!!
Now that's something to celebrate!!!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Day 3: Photos From Your Wedding
Scott & I were married on August 21, 2004. We had a beautiful outdoor ceremony and were surrounded by our closest family & friends. I haven't looked at these photos in a long time, I love the randomness of this challenge! Mason was our ring bearer......he was 1 month shy of turning 2! I can't believe how tiny he was.....he was Landon's age!! Scott & I didn't quite follow "the order".....yeah, we're rebels like that!! lol
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Day 2: Take a Random Photo of Your Day & Tell Us About It
Having 3 boys is like "living" in a candy shop. The energy level in our house is "through the roof"!! I love my boys dearly, but I just can't keep up....NON-STOP energy from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to sleep. Those who know us well, are laughing right now (and saying better you, than me, lol)!! What I would do for just a 1/4 of that energy, lol!!!
Seeing that Scott & I are outnumbered by children, a SCHEDULE is a MUST in our house. We actually had the boys sign a contract agreeing to their schedule.....that's no joke!!! Just trying to stay one step ahead of them, in case they try using the "I forgot" or "I didn't know" line. We went over the schedule in detail, made sure all their questions were answered (CLEARLY) and had them sign their life away!! That schedule is hanging on our kitchen a constant reminder:)
This is why I love the last 1/2 hour before bed video games & no over-stimulation
....just.simple.unwind.and.relax.time!! I love how attentive Mason & Elijah are to Landon......they just love to make him laugh! And I just love watching Landon follow the boys around the house, copying them and climbing the couch to sit & snuggle with them. I really enjoy watching their sibling relationship blossom. *sigh* Memories in the making!!
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