Tuesday, September 7, 2010

1st Day of School


(Oops, sorry, please excuse me while I try to contain my excitement! Yay!   NOPE.  It didn't work!!)

Although there is close to 2 weeks left of the summer season, TODAY, my yearning for the fall season assured me that it is right around the corner.  Yes, the day the kids go back to school.  Summer has never really been, well summer, since 1997 when I started my full time "DAY" job that requires me to work 52 weeks a year.  UGH!!  It never really bothered me as I was not much of a "beach" kinda gal.  But I must confess that it bothers me more now that I am a "MOM", and my kids are in school.  You see, during the school year we have a very hectic schedule, but it works for us.  There is consistency & predictability!!  Then the summer rolls around, and we find ourselves looking into all kinds of activities (which require money), to keep the kids....BUSY!!  Let's face it, there is no adult (in their right mind) that actually has the energy to keep up with these kids.....all.day.long.  Kids need kids!!  It's complete chaos juggling 3 different schedules & shuffling babysitters around so that all the grandparents have the opportunity to spend some time with the kids.  For the record, we are very blessed that there is very rarely a time when "a" grandparent is unavailable to babysit and even more blessed that those grandparents are still around to make everlasting memories for us & the boys.  That which includes my 92 year old grandmother (who to this day vacations once a year, sometimes twice....... Vegas & Disney, 2 of her favorites and who actually still drives).  BLESSED!!!

But today, the day I like to think was dedicated to giving me my sanity back, is here in full force.  Hail the SCHEDULE=)  We woke up this morning and started this day, which will be referred to as groundhog day, starting tomorrow.  It went something like this:

- wake up
- eat breakfast
- get #1 washed while #2 gets dressed
- get #2 washed while #1 gets dressed
- make lunches
- get #3 washed & dressed up
- double check backpacks & lunch boxes
- pack up the car (including 3 kids who are all in car seats.......oldest is in booster, does not meet age, weight or height requirement)

**I'm starting to think we have an "underweight" issue in this house.  Clearly not my issue!!**

- drop off #2 & #3 at school first
- drop off #1 at school
- drive myself to work.......definitely, NOT.ON.TIME=/
- work, work, work, work, work
- pick up #1 from school (meet mother-in-law for drop off of #1)
- work, work, work, work, work
- pick up #2 & #3 from school
- homework for #1 (yes, on the first day of school)
- prepare & eat dinner
- bathe #3
- assist in bathing #2
- time #1 in the shower (way too long)
- bedtime #3
- ice cream snack (husband's idea)
- bedtime #1 & #2
- clean up dinner mess
- get backpacks & clothes ready for tomorrow
- BLOG about my day=)

In case you were wondering who was assigned which number:

#1 = Mason (3rd grade) - 1st day of school

#2 Elijah - (kindergarten) 

(Elijah has 3 more days at his preschool, and he will start his 1st day of kindergarten, Monday the 13th)

#3 Landon - 1st day of school (Full time in the toddler room)

(this little man will be going to school 4 days/week from 8am-4pm)

The boys all had a wonderful day.  Mason was excited to see who was in his class this year (and he was very happy).  Elijah is happy that he gets to spend a few more days with his preschool friends (but this boy is bursting at the seams with excitement to start "Big Boy School").  And Landon had a GREAT day.  He fully participated in all the toddler activities today.  He played with his friends, he ate snack & lunch with his friends, he napped on his big boy mat, like his friends AND he made artwork with his friends.  Be still my heart!  My little peanut IS growing up!!  

All in all it was a HAPPY day!  The kids were happy and so was this mama,  HAPPY to have her schedule back=)



  1. wow - what a hectic day, but you made it and so did they :) AWESOME that Landon is in the big boy toddler room and keeping up just fine (I am NOT surprised) :) Whitney starts preschool at anne's preschool one day a week this Thursday. Tomorrow is Anne's first day - looking forward to it but also sad to see summer ending (I do NOT like winter --- I need to move to Florida!) Good luck with school day #2 tomorrow!!! :)

  2. I could feel my heart racing as I was reading your schedule!!

    Landon must benefit so much from being around kids all day!

    Your guys are all gorgeous!! Love the pics!

    Almost apple picking time!! We usually go around the 18 or 19, of Sept. It's our last weekend that's free until after Xmas. are you in?

  3. Wow, what are you going to do with Landon gone that long? Although I never want to give summer up, its nice to get the boys back to school. Although I feel like I put a billion miles on my car driving to two different schools twice a day.

  4. Your schedule makes me tired just reading it...although I'm all for schedules and routines so I'm sure once you're a few weeks in it will be a piece of cake!

    I hope all of your boys have a great year of school!

  5. WOW that is a crazy schedule. I wouldn't be on time to work ever!
    Glad they are all back in the routine and enjoying school.

  6. That a very busy day.. I have 4 one with special needs but I'm at home for now. You are doing a great job and blogging too way to go.

  7. Wow, that is a hectic day! I'm never on time to work either and I only have 1. :)
