Monday, September 13, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten

Yay!  It's official, the school year has truly begun, all 3 boys are back in school.  Today was Elijah's 1st day of Kindergarten, and boy was he SUPER excited!  Last night before he went to bed, we read 3 books about Kindergarten, and Mason & I answered lots of questions.  We went over all the ways that kindergarten and preschool are the same and all the ways that they are different.  I actually had butterflies in  my stomach.  Not the "I'm so nervous, I think I'm gonna cry" kind, but the "OMG, watch out Mrs. Sylvia, you're in for one heck of a ride" kind!!!  lol

So, we woke up this morning to our good 'ole "SCHEDULE" (I really LOVE that thing)!!!  And finally, out the door we went, right around the corner & up the street from our house (a whole minute & a half), to the place that gives me peace of mind while I'm at work all day.........SCHOOL=)  Elijah couldn't get out of his car seat fast enough.  I of course had to take a few pictures of this BIG DAY!!  We then proceeded to the side entrance (where the NEW BIG BOYS & GIRLS will enter their new classroom).  We were greeted by lots of excited children and some very sad faces.....parents of course!!  Not this mommy, I was just as excited for Elijah as he was for himself!  We waited for his teacher to give him his name tag, had a kiss goodbye, and in nothing other than Elijah style, "I" got a hi-five!!  Short & sweet, and off my little  BIG boy went, through the doors of KNOWLEDGE!!  *SIGH*

Looking back I can remember all the anxiety I felt having to go back to work after each of my 3 pregnancies.  I always yearned to be a "stay-at-home-mom", unfortunately, that was never in the cards for me.  I was however very blessed to have such a GREAT support system and parents/grandparents who were available to babysit.  With the exception of Mason, my 1st born (who didn't go to daycare/preschool until he was 3 years old), both Elijah & Landon shared their time (from 3 months of age) between the two.  Elijah went 2 days/wk and increased to 4 days/wk (8am - 4pm) when he turned 3.  Landon went 2 days/wk and has increased to 4 days/wk (8am - 4pm) this past Tuesday.  His therapists now see him @ school.  It seems my boys have ALWAYS been in school.  At some point the school may change, (some)friends may change and teachers will change.  It's exciting for them.......just like replacing an old toy with a new one!  Lucky for me, TEARS & SEPARATION, have never been an issue (the boys have always known school to be part of their life).  Well, I did cry all the way to work the day Mason started preschool, I was so upset that he waved goodbye to me from across the room as he began playing blocks with a fellow classmate.  How DARE he not cry and tell me how much he would miss me!!  lol  SO, I guess the trade off worked for "me".  Well, I can say that now=)

Have a wonderful school year boys!!  LIVE! LEARN! LOVE!
(and have lots of FUN too=)

(Elijah's 1st day of Kindergarten)

(2 boys, same school, one stop for mommy=)

(My BOYS!!!)


  1. love that last one, such adorable boys!

  2. It was my little girls first day today too!! I have had different emotions with each child I have sent out the door...this one was a sad one for me...but she had a great day and loved it!
    Your boys are just the cutest!! Hope Elijah had a great first day!!

  3. Love his hair! hope he had a good first day- I hope you pat yourself on the back for all you have done these years...working full time and raising your family...I applaud you!

  4. Look at those sweet boys! Your kindergarten must be all day, I see a lunch! Ours is only 1/2 hours, not even worth going!

  5. I love the last picture...all of your boys are just so stinkin' cute!

  6. happy first day of kindergarten, elijah!!! glad your boys are loving school so much! the pictures of them are adorable and i do not think their smiles could be any brighter :)

  7. Hooray for school, and God bless teachers! Hope the first day went well! First day of Kindergarten is pretty special =)

  8. I love the picture of the 3 of them!

  9. Your boys are sooooooo gorgeous!!!!
